Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Cool Fox tail and high Jump

The Cool Fox Tail And High Jump!

By Anika Archer

Who throw the furthest.Me or Abigail?
You don’t know who throw the furthest.

I was not very good at highjump but I was good at fox tail.
I think I am not a good at throw so maybe Abigail is good at throw.
What Abigail is good at throwing than me! Why?

I wonder if I can be a good at it and I can have one more turn.

If I can jump more higher and over the bar.
If I was better than everyone jumping, I will be happy to myself.       


The Jumping Dog

                                                         The Jumping Dog.
A while ago I painted a dog. It has mitten on his ears and a spotty tail and brown legs. It has green face  and green, blue and orange body.

He has mittens on his ear. He is jumping. The dog smells like paper. I wonder if I  drew better than before. He is excited to catch the ball.

The dog heard “fetch”. So he chased after it.
The ball didn’t taste good. It felt good doing painting.

I love my painting because I like dogs but I like cats too.
He is friends with cats, mice and birds.

His name is Jam because he loves jam.
He is good to me but just shy to other people.

From Anika.

Seince Writing.

Maths Whizz