Thursday 15 November 2018

Grandparents Day

On Firday it was grandparents day. I was sad because my grandma didn't came. First all the classes went to mass and of course grandparents. After mass, all the classes went back to there own class and their grandparents. It was hard for some grandparents to choose because their had some grandchildren in different classes. In all the classes they all have share morning tea. Abigail and I went to the next door class room ( Room 5 ) and ate some popcorn becaues Abigail had a sister and I had twin cousin and also because we were hungry. When the bell rang, Mr J told Abigail and I tidy up our class room. When the bell rang we went to the hall for them performance. The performance was choir, Kapa Haka, pasifaka, Room 2 dance, philipino group, gymnastice and marimba. After the performance, it was the relays from afletices because we didn't finished